To dedicate a light in memory of a loved one, please click the button below:

Dedicate a light

To make a donation to Mountbatten this Christmas, please click below:

Christmas donation

"I felt a warmth and closeness by coming to Light up a Life. I was a part of something, surrounded by people with the same purpose: to remember someone you loved". 

Throughout the joy of this festive season, there are those who rely on the dedication and care of Mountbatten nurses and care teams to ensure their final days are as comfortable as possible and surrounded by kindness, whether at home or at the hospice.

Light up a Life by dedicating in memory of a loved one, or simply give a gift to Mountbatten this Christmas and support those living with illnesses that are life-limiting and facing end of life.

Join Brian and Mountbatten by dedicating a light to our online remembrance tree and come together at Light up a Life to enjoy readings, music, carols, and a moment of reflection where we will light our candles and pay tribute to those we love.

Light up a Life was held on Sunday 3 December at the hospice in Newport. Watch the video of name dedications from the service below. 


"Christmas is a time of year when you are thinking about those you love the most. This year, I will dedicate my light to my wife, Lynne." shares Brian, 70, from Brading. Click here to read more of his story.

"During the service, the names of our loved ones were displayed on a screen. Seeing Lynne's name was a
 moving moment. It is poignant for everyone there."

Come together to enjoy readings, music, carols, and a moment of reflection where we will light our candles and pay tribute to those we love. 

Click below to dedicate a light:

Dedicate a light

Please click below to make a donation to Mountbatten this Christmas:

Christmas donation

Various services will also be held across the Island in December. Click below to see where and when they are happening.

Community services