We’ve been listening carefully to advice from the government and closely following their recommendations to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission to our patients, visitors, staff and volunteers.

This means we have had to make some changes to the way we normally allow visitors to our InPatient Unit at Mountbatten Hospice, Newport.

We ask that visitors are limited to only one, or at most two, people from the same household as the patient. When coming to the hospice, you will be asked to confirm your details by our ward clerk.

We may be able to make exceptions to this on compassionate grounds if you are visiting someone in their last days of their life. Our senior nurse in charge will be able to discuss this further with you. 

We appreciate how difficult it is not to be able to visit as often as usual; this has not been a decision we have taken lightly. Our priority must always be to protect and ensure the safety of our patients and those caring for them and we thank you for your understanding.