Hats for Hospice inspiration revealed With under three weeks to go until Mountbatten’s Hats for the Hospice fundraiser, organiser and Community Events Fundraiser Dani Johnson has been speaking about the inspiration behind the event (1 March 2019). Dani experienced the importance of end of life care when her own father was diagnosed with cancer in 2015. He was cared for in a mainland hospital and transferred to a care home just before his death at Christmas that same year. His battle was a short one, only three months from being fit and healthy. Dani said: “Having experienced the difference that just six days can make in the right environment, after seven weeks of hospital and a realisation that home is no longer an option - I know first-hand how that is crucial, not only for a patient, but their family, even if only for the last few days. My Dad was cared for on the mainland, so did not use Mountbatten’s facilities or a hospice, but I recognise the care, patience and attention to detail only so well, provided by the wonderful care home, and am so grateful for that time for myself, my Dad and my family.” It was the care Dani’s family experienced, along with her father’s love of hats, which became the start of the ‘Hats for the Hospice’ fundraising initiative for Mountbatten. She said: “Being a military officer, he treated everyone with respect - be they General, fellow officer or soldier – and he has been described by many as 'one of life's true gentlemen'. He had many occasions to wear a hat; army uniforms, top hats, bowler hats - so it seemed fitting to create a fun and easy event to commemorate that, and allow others to join in!” This year’s Hats for the Hospice takes place on Friday 1 March 2019, when it is hoped as many people as possible will don their favourite hat in exchange for a £2 donation to go towards supporting Islanders and their families who are facing a similar situation. Everyone taking part in Hats for the Hospice is encouraged to share their photos on social media using #hatsforthehospice and tagging @MountbattenIW Click here for more information about how to get involved. Manage Cookie Preferences