Having been supported through the death of her mum, and bereavement that followed,  with Mountbatten by her side, Roxy, from Ryde, wants to ensure no Islander is left to face death alone or without the care and support they deserve. Roxy and her son, Logan, are taking part in the Flat Walk on Sunday 12 May, to help secure the future of Mountbatten for our Island community. 

‘For me, Mountbatten is such an amazing and important part of our community. Having to go through the hardest thing in my life losing my Mum, the hospice gave us a ‘home’ to spend our last few days together with friends and family in privacy and without having the pressure of visiting hours.

The staff gave the most exceptional care, not just to Mum but to us as well, making sure we were fed and watered along with making us feel very welcome.

This will be my sixth year taking part in Walk the Wight. I once completed the whole walk with my sister, only 4 months after giving birth, which for me felt like an amazing achievement. I have also done the half walk and now I take part in the Flat Walk, which is brilliant for pushchairs and young children. 2019 will be my son’s, Logan, third year taking part at only 4 years old. He absolutely loves the whole atmosphere and of course the medal at the finish line. It is an annual event for us, bringing friends and family together to remember Mum and help support an amazing cause. Even my new-born baby took part last year and will again this year too.

We will continue to support Mountbatten in anyway possible, you may think you will never need their services, so did I. But it’s likely that one day someone you love will, and if we don’t join together as a community, Mountbatten won’t be there for us in the future.’

Join Roxy and Logan and Walk the Wight 2019 with MountbattenTogether we can help ensure no-one is left to die alone or without care on the Isle of Wight.