To help students gain an understanding of the work of Mountbatten Hospice and to provide an opportunity to participate in a short taster training session relating to health and social care. 

Recommended for students in years 10, 11, 12 and 13.

A teacher should accompany the attending students.

We recommend a group size of between 10 and 15 students (plus 1 teacher). 

Presentation, discussion, practical participation

Key Session Content:
Students attending will learn about:

  • Mountbatten Hospice and be offered a tour of the building
  • Essential Communication
  • Fluid and Nutrition
  • Infection, Prevention and Control, including an option to participate in a hand hygiene practical using the 'Glitter Bug'

Venue: Mountbatten Hospice

Time: 2 hours

Cost: Free 

How to book
An enquiry form can be completed on the link below

Complete your Enquiry